destructiveSet to true if this action is a destructive action, like "delete". This will change the appearance in the action menu more prominent (e.g. red colored)
Translatable string displayed in the menu
enabledCondition wether this action is shown or not
Function executed on single file action
true if the action was executed successfully, false otherwise and null if the action is silent/undefined.
execFunction executed on multiple files action
true if the action was executed successfully, false otherwise and null if the action is silent/undefined.
Svg as inline string.
Unique ID
inlineIf true, the renderInline function will be called
orderThis action order in the list
parentThis action's parent id in the list. If none found, will be displayed as a top-level action.
renderIf defined, the returned html element will be appended before the actions menu.
titleTranslatable title for of the action
Make this action the default. If multiple actions are default, the first one will be used. The other ones will be put as first entries in the actions menu iff DefaultType.Hidden is not used. A DefaultType.Hidden action will never be shown in the actions menu even if another action takes its place as default.